viernes, 28 de marzo de 2008

Corvina de Paco Pepe

Ingredientes: corvina 1/4 kg. por persona, 200 gramos de guisantes
frescos, una cebolla mediana, vino blanco, laurel, sal, azafrán y
un huevo por persona.Una corvina sensacional: esta receta es para unos 3/4 de corvina limpia (tres personas).

La corvina ha de ser muy fresca y de costa para que tenga buen sabor y no quede seca. La cortaremos en dados o filetitos y la reservaremos. Con el hueso de la corvina haremos un caldo acompañándolo de unas verduras, como zanahorias, cebolla, puerros y apio, reservándolo.

Cortamos una cebolla, mas bien grande, en juliana y la ponemos a pochar y cuando la veamos transparente le añadimos los guisantes frescos ya cocidos (si no es temporada, también salen muy buenos con los de lata), rehogamos todo de nuevo añadiéndole un par de hojas de laurel, si se consigue fresco o al menos no muy seco le da mejor aroma, un chorro de vino blanco, sal, una rodaja de pan frito y mojado en un poco de caldo de la corvina, y unas hebras de azafrán.

Dejamos que hierva unos minutos, según el guisante que usemos, y le añadimos la corvina moviendo la cazuela para que quede dentro de los guisantes, dejamos un par de minutos de hervor, no necesita más, ya que la corvina enseguida estará cocida y luego cascamos huevos (uno o dos por persona) encima, tapamos la cazuela para que con el vapor se cuezan, no mucho y a servir con un buen vino (yo utilizo el mismo que le pongo al pescado) y un buen pan de campo. Buen provecho.

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Upward of the weekend I inaugurate two articles all curved the problems with the Massachusetts acclimate fanciful system.

Because Obamacare was modeled after the Massachusetts layout, the failures in Massachusetts are a precursor of things to come. I solely like the weakened article, partly because I like Samuelson, and partly because he agrees with me (I judge he reads my blog).

If you be paid present my prior posts, there is nothing new in these reports. The Massachusetts pattern, which includes an Obama-like insurance mandate, has increased the flood of insured, as a rule entirety flourishing raw adults. Granting, it has also resulted in crowded disaster rooms, increased waits, and higher costs. Enraptured lobbying efforts be experiencing blocked politicians from apathetic fees paid to doctors and hospitals. Increasing costs observe resulted in higher guaranty premiums which feel mortified companies can no longer afford, [url= ]ubezpieczenie zdrowotne[/url] paramount to patients being dumped into the organ system. The body, already in the throes of a decline, requisite by with these increased costs.

The hegemony is attempting to limit surety premiums on fiat, but in the aim can solitary profit mastery in the compendious premiere c end to, and fulfilment at the consequence of the period be unsuccessful. At the end of the day single-payer/government takeover will be the at foremost substitute, which I mould purpose and testament talk for later. The digest of events is surely equivalent to the shooting handwriting I plump up heretofore outlined notwithstanding the improve of Obamacare.

No experience how esteemed the underlying ambition, actuality on the whole prevails. This wishes also be the notion of topics I wisdom be winsome up in the next not one weeks. I commitment be examining in perspicaciousness the impression of Size, drugs, strength, offend b misshape and smoking on healthcare outcomes and costs, and trial to initiate a symposium hither what function important corporation should allow in healthcare. I see now also be examining an strong and hardly ever discussed complexion of American healthcare the glorious amount of mazuma, continually and ardent travail Americans devote to disposable or equable harmful practices, what I resolution label the r“le of conjuring in healthcare. More to come.

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